Hello :)

My name is Lucas, I’m a cybersecurity analyst from São Paulo, Brazil. I have always been passionate about discovering how things are built and how they work. As a child one of my favorite pastimes was to take things apart and then try to put them back together and make them work. So once I realized that using only one tool, the computer, it would be possible to build amazing things, I decided that it was the way to go.

I have a bachelor in Science and Technology and am currently pursuing a second bachelor in Computer Science, both at the Federal University of ABC. I lived one year in Los Angeles studying Computer Science and Cybersecurity at the University of Southern California. I currently work in the Security Analytics division at Itaú Unibanco, transforming data into information for the Security Operations Team. In other words, fighting the darkness because evil never rests.

Besides all the cybersecurity stuff, the thesis that I am writing for the BS of CS degree is about the identification of tendency clusters in time series. Yes, there is a pattern going on, data everywhere. Also, I’m a big sports fan, so you can also expect to find some posts about sports analytics in the blog section.

Welcome to my cyberspace!